The Museum participated in the annual Abbotsford Airshow again this year from August 12-14, 2011. A mix of weather conditions kept the burning heat at bay, allowing good viewing of the aircraft on static display and those in the air. Four Museum aircraft, the Harvard II, Waco AQC, DH Tiger Moth and Fleet Finch flew each day while the Museum volunteers displayed their wares at the Museum booth.

A Spitfire IXe sits waiting for the fog to lift, just like a 'somewhere in England' shot from 1943.

The Museum's yellow birds awake to fog - Harvard II, Tiger Moth and Fleet Finch.

The Museum's Harvard II (right) leads in a formation pass.

Museum Ops crew take a break; L-R, Bob Fowles, Bill Findlay,
George Kirbyson, Dave Beales, George Serviss, Vic Bentley and Jim Beswick.

Have you ever seen an aircraft blowing smoke rings?
This one does - the Hawker Sea Fury powered by a P&W R-2800 engine.

Kent Pietsch in his Interstate skillfully performs his comedy routine. Photo: M. Luedey.

Airshow veteran Julie Clark wows the crowd with her colourful display. Photo: M. Luedey.

The Canadian Forces Hornet put new meaning to 'turning and burning.' Photo: M. Luedey.

The Snowbirds close the daily show with their spectacular symmetry. Photo: M. Luedey.