Remembering Rose Zalesky
With profound sadness, the Directors and Members of the Canadian Museum of Flight Association note the passing of Rose Zalesky.
Rose holds a special place in our hearts as her character and commitment were fundamental to the success of our venture. In the 1970s, Rose, along with her late husband Ed Zalesky and three others, had the vision to protect and preserve our aviation heritage. And the organizational skills to collect and document most of what we now so proudly present to the public.

Rose invested many thousands of hours in the administration and management of our collections and of our organization. The evidence of her huge contribution of time, energy and skill resides in our corporate records. In our archives is an immense body of correspondence between Rose and donors, buyers, sellers and CMFT (as it was then) members. Each communication was personal, personable, positive, constructive and professional.
At this time of reflection, each of us is keenly aware that we are standing on the broad and strong foundation to which Rose contributed so much, as we strive to do our bit towards Rose’s passion: “Bringing British Columbia’s aviation past into the future.”