The Canadian Museum of Flight has many assets and resources that can help you fill your educational, recreational and entertainment needs. The Museum, situated in Langley, BC, is readily accessible to all Lower Mainland residents. Parking is free and there are several local motels for out of town residents. Of course, if visitors are flying in to your event then they can arrive right at the door in their own aircraft, as the Museum is located at the Langley Regional Airport.
• Gift Shop
Are you planning to release a special audio product that needs an aviation-themed title picture? The Museum has numerous classic aircraft that can be used in promotional photography. There are a number of aircraft in the collection that are maintained in flying condition. These can be made available for in-flight photography with a stunning mountain backdrop. Perhaps you need a classic backdrop for some fashion photography – we have a collection of artifacts that you could put to use. Do you need a beautifully crafted old wooden propeller to launch a display of woodcrafts? The Museum has several to choose from.
The movie industry is a valued customer for the great range of classic products the Museum has available. How about an Artificial Horizon that looks exactly like the one Amelia Earhart used in her Lockheed Electra, or a radio from a Lancaster bomber? We can meet that need. Remember the Starfighter jet in the movie, Night At The Museum 2? Our Museum provided that aircraft. In our collection we have one of the oldest DC-3 transports in captivity – do you need cockpit shots from the art deco period?
Does a class at your school need a practical, hands-on look at aviation history – not just from text books, but from seeing and handling items from the past? Have your students seen the inner workings of an engine, or the construction details of a World War 1 aircraft? Here’s their opportunity – call for tour details.
Whether it is a happy event (wedding) or a more solemn event to say goodbye (memorial service), the Museum can help you with the details.
The Museum has a large hangar in Langley that is capable of seating up to 150 guests. A space of about 15 x 15 metres can be available for tables, or cleared for a dance floor. The surroundings are pure aviation history with actual aircraft, models, displays and memorabilia encompassing the Fraser Valley, BC and many parts of Canada.
There is direct access to the outside through large hangar doors, making few restrictions to moving large objects inside the building. Wide-open space is available for a special event, such as displaying large vehicles, model aircraft, radio-controlled cars, or skate board and mountain bike demonstrations.
Are you an aviation researcher? This is heaven (or near it) for you. Displays spanning from World War I, through the pioneer days, World War 2 and the following years are available. Our library has an extensive collection of publications used by early aviators as well as biographies and works of fiction. Do you need to research a Mk IX bombsight? We have one live, not just in photographs. We have a collection of flight crew logbooks spanning many years.
Are you planning a reunion of your squadron? The Museum has a collection of aviation uniforms, so we may be able to help you.
One of our readily available assets, regularly displayed in the Lower Mainland, is the replica of a World War 1 Sopwith Camel. This aircraft is a full-size, non-flying aircraft constructed from original plans. The Camel can be used as an instructional tool (so why was the propeller not shot off by the guns?), a lesson in the history of aviation (why are there two wings?), or the background for a theatre production. The Museum has a large number of aviation artifacts that are available for rent for special effects.
Do you need a special gift and don’t know where to turn? Worry no more, the Museum Gift Shop has a wide range of products from books to aircraft models to clothing. Check out our listings on this website.
Use our CONTACT US page for more information.

So why was the propeller not shot off by the guns? For the answer - look here.

Have Camel, will travel.